What's your life goals? 
Well, to live in Jannah with alllllll my loved ones (and to meet Allah!).

Are you single? 
Of course I am! Couple is haram you know.
Where are you studying at? 
Your interest? 
I have a BIG interest in art. I do drawings when I have free time! And when I grow up I want to be an interior designer. (look how childish I am) (currently la) And now I've been learning them. 
What's inspired you to start writing online? 
Hm, I think it was my brother. He has a blog called "Inspirations" lol and he is basically inspiring people to do goods (dakwah). And I was 11 back then and I thought it was so cool to have one. So I made one with his helps.
What's the meaning of "Nurul Amanina"? 
Nurul means light and Amanina means our ambitions. So basically, a light of our ambitions. I'm a hope to both of my parents (and others). It's like I'm going to be a very successful person and make them proud. And i really loveeeeee my name!
Describe your life with one sentence. 
Full of surprises. 

If you have any question(s) in your mind to ask me, do leave your question in the comments section down below!