
This time I'm wanting to tell you guys about my ambitions since I was young, knowing nothing but wanted to be a great person, until now.

When I was 5, I wanted to be a teacher. I know it's freaking cliche but I admired my kindergarten teacher. She was really cheerful and as a 5 years old kid, I thought she was intelligent. Very intelligent (although all she taught me was just English lessons). I kept that ambition until I turned 8.

And suddenly I wanted to be a policewoman! Ya Allah, I don't know how I got that idea from. Maybe that time I really wanted to join a taekwondo class. I thought it was SO COOL to safe people from danger and make some peace to this world. Two words, not matured. I was 8, don't blame me!

But unfortunately, I'm not a loyal person. I wanted to be a teacher again. (it's obvious that I love to make good things to people, eh?)

Around 2013, I got confused. My ambitions kept changing. (I already said that I'm not a loyal person) From a photographer, to a chef, to a pediatrician, to a kindergarten teacher, to an animator, to an astrophysicist, to a pendakwah, to a novel writer, to an architect, I've tried it all. Well I guess, it did happened to everyone?

Photographer. Well, I love to take photos. Like it's so beautiful! The landscape, the light and everything! I love all of them. So one day, I've decided to take my interest as my career. But my dad said that job for a guy, because it's not an easy task for a woman. (because of the differences of kudrat) That also happened to the ambition, wanted to be a chef. My dad said, "you can take those as a hobby instead." And yes, I kinda agreed to that.

Then, it was such a coincidence, when I found out that science was fun. I mean like I found it was fun to learn more about things around me. Moreover, I liked kids and babies that time. Like I literally a fan of those cute little things and chubby things play around together. And their laughs. //feel like a mom, a proud mom.//. So that were the reasons why I made a pediatrician as my career. But man, Allah is truly knows the best for me. I changed it, by myself, my own decision to be a kindergarten teacher, because of I hate biology. (see, I'm weird ; like science but not biology and apparently I'm a girl, who supposed to like biology). And sometimes a thought to become a veterinarian, happened.

So here the thing, why I hate biology? Well, it just because of the weird science names. Plus, I hate to memorize those leceh things. For real. And I hate bloods, and I doesn't have that patience to be in the operation room.

So next! An animator. I admit, I have such a big interest in art, but it just not the drawing thing. I love to draw but as I thought further, it will just going to be a hobby, which is, it is.

An astrophysicist. I love physics! I really really love them. One of the favorite subjects of mine, at the moment. I love maths and it's related to physics. I love spaces, skies and like the stars, planets, galaxies, and all. But you know, I'll keep that as knowledge je. Because I don't know, maybe it's not suitable for me? Same goes to the pendakwah and book writer thingy.

Architect! I love to draw to those kind of things, and I have interest in buildings. So why not?

But I've made a decision to be an interior designer! Because I hate business stuffs that are needed in architecture part. As for myself, I like to match colors and to arrange things. I like things to be in ordered and neat. I hate a surrounding that is not under control. And in this career, I needed to learn drawing too! Which is a bonus for me! (draw furniture and stuffs)

So for now, I'll just keep hoping that this ambitions story will stop, although it was fun in searching myself, but you know, I needed to be more serious about my future as I aged.

I don't want to regret.


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